What Does a Wood Sanding the Sequence Mean?

Whether you are new to the world of woodworking, or already
have many years of experience under your belt, there is one universal piece of
advice woodworkers of all skill levels could use: Always Sand the Sequence.

Continue below to learn what it means to sand in sequence,
and some additional wood sanding advice that’ll help too.

The Sanding Sequence

One of the most influential factors to creating a flawless
wood finish is sanding. Many people want to skip the extra work and go straight
for a finer grit, but this is not the way to get a true, expert finish.
Instead, veteran woodworkers insist that you always sand in sequence. This
means to start with the coarsest grit abrasive appropriate for the type of
material you are working with, and then work your way up to the finest grit.
Using sandpaper in succession like this is the practice of sanding in sequence.

The recommended sanding sequence:

80 – 100 – 120 – 150 – 180 – 220 – 320

Starting with an 80 grit sandpaper will allow you to easily
set the shape and remove any blemishes and imperfections in the wood, such as
machine marks, embedded glue, uneven joint surfaces, and more. To continue with
the sanding sequence, you would simply switch to the next grit level in order,
and do another layer. Once you move onto the remainder of the sanding sequence,
you are no longer setting the shape and eliminating surface marks. Instead, you
are working to eliminate the evidence of the 80-grit sanding.

Additional Tips

If you are working on wood, especially flat surfaces, it is
highly recommended to use a half sheet sander. Not only are they perfect for
flat surface projects, but they also work great with corners and edges.

When looking for quality abrasives, choose a reputable
vendor who manufactures their products in-house. This ensures that they are
focused directly on the quality of their products. Buying online or through a
direct manufacturer will saves you loads of money, as well as time.

Sandpaper America at 1-800-860-SAND to buy high-quality and
competitively-priced sandpaper products,
today. We manufacture all of our sanding products in-house, so you can feel
confident in the quality of our products.

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to Sand Wood With Traditional Sheet Sandpaper
Do I Use Sandpaper on Wood?
Use a Drum Sander for Wood Floor Sanding

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