Pneumatics What are they Good For?

Absolutely Nothing….. err ALOT!

I truly love the “What are they good for, Absolutely Nothing….. err ALOT!” Blog, It makes me laugh every time, like Compressed Air Dryers : What are they Good For? . And because of this I plan to make it a reoccurring title combo! Whether you like it or not!!!

But bringing it back to why are Pneumatics used? If there were no benefits costly compressed air systems would become obsolete, however the opposite is common in industry. Compressed air systems and pneumatics are a critical cost-effective tool when they are used efficiently.

Pneumatics is a branch of engineering that makes use of gas or compressed air. With most if not all industries utilizing compressed air products and processes, it’s a pretty important part of any facility’s infrastructure.

  1. There is an infinite supply of air on this planet to be compressed and used. I know this seems obvious but what other energy source has an infinite supply?

2. There are very low maintenance costs with pneumatic tools. Our products have minimal to no moving parts. There is no motor to repair, no oil to change, no bearings or fans.

Pressure Regulators “dial in” performance to get the job done without using more air than necessary.

3. Our products are engineered to be easily installed and can be adjusted for performance. Most of the time you simply mount the product and add air. A simple pressure regulator provides a huge bandwidth of adjustment to dial in the force and performance.

4. Air is very easy to transport. With your current compressor system, you can easily run pipe to the point of use and supply the products with their power source.

5. Compressed air is compact, and usually takes up less space to install a compressed air product.

6. Our products and tools are extremely reliable. Due to the precision engineering and production, our products produce a repeatable result every time they are turned on.

7. EXAIR products all comply with OSHA standards for sound 29 CFR-1910.95(a) as well as dead end pressure (29 CFR 1910-242 (b)).

8. Initial purchase as well as installation costs are typically considerably lower than non-pneumatic options. When you add in the upkeep and maintenance, EXAIR products are almost always less expensive than alternative products.

9. Using compressed air as your power supply typically facilitates a cleaner, dryer, safer work environment.

At EXAIR, you have a team of application engineers at your fingertips that will help you choose the best product for your specific application. Feel free to call or email at anytime.

Jordan Shouse
Application Engineer

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