Anodized Aluminum

Anodizing is an environmentally safe electrochemical process that converts the aluminum metal surface into a porous aluminum oxide, ultimately creating an end product whose finish is more durable and weather-resistant.

Aluminum anodizing enhances the characteristics of aluminum in several ways:

Durability: anodized aluminum is more resistant to wear from normal handling and usage.
Finishing: more aesthetically pleasing finish, either clear or color
Corrosion resistance: increases the corrosion resistivity of the surface as it prevents further oxidization.
Lasting Color: a color finish added to anodized aluminum is more enduring
Strength: The anodized aluminum surface is harder than pure aluminum.
In particularly harsh environments, non-anodized aluminum can look pretty bad after even a year of operation such as the air amplifier shown in the picture above. While many aluminum air amplification products such as air knives and amplifiers and even air nozzles are not anodized by some manufacturers, Nex Flow Air Products does anodize to provide a superior product, often at a lower cost to avoid the oxidation as shown in the picture above.

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