Facts About Random Orbital Sander Backup Pads

As someone who is familiar with building and construction,
you know that random orbital sanders are one of the most fundamental tools to
have on hand for general woodworking needs. Without this handy tool, it would
be much more of a challenge to prep wood surfaces for stain or other types of
coatings. However, random orbital sanders can also pose their own set of
challenges when it comes to their manufacturer design. Some models have spin
pads that are more prone to leaving behind visible markings or swirls, while
others can over-polish.

Fortunately, we have backup pads, which help defend our
work pieces from residual markings or excessive polishing made by the primary
spin pads on a sander. What are backup pads, exactly? Well, in order to produce
a random scratch pattern, the sander must use spin pads and backup pads,
simultaneously. The sandpaper attaches to the backup pads on a random orbital
sander, either with a hook and loop assembly (H&L) or pressure sensitive
adhesive (PSA). But when these pads
start to experience problems, or even normal wear and tear, it jeopardizes the
operation and results of your work.

Out of Balance Pads

When backup pads are defective or out of balance, they can
cause a long list of problems for a woodworking project. Overtime, usage of a
sander will cause the backup pad to deform and change shape, which affects its
ability to have full contact with flat surfaces and increases the amount of
time the project takes to complete. This can render inconsistent or unleveled
finishes, scratches, and more.

Backup Pad Removal

There are some safety precautions to take when it comes to
changing out your random orbital sander backup pad. If your pads are attached
via hook and loop, you can expect them to basically fly off the back of the
sander once they are worn out. You can see where the safety hazard can come
into play here. As for sanders that use pressure sensitive adhesive, you can
expect the discs to be quite difficult or stubborn to remove. This can lead to
sudden jerking, which can cause skin abrasions and cut wounds.

Backup Pad Change Schedule

It is advised to change your backup pads on your random
orbital sander at least once per month. Of course, this general rule of thumb
largely depends on several factors, like the frequency at which you use your
sander and the types of projects you are doing. For less frequent usage, it is
recommended to change backup pads every three to six months.

Where to Get Top-Quality Sanding Products

Call Sandpaper America at 1-800-860-SAND to order sandpaper and abrasive products, today. We offer a large online
inventory of high-quality sandpaper and sanding products at the most
competitive prices online! We manufacture our products in-house, so you can
trust they are high-quality and shipped nationally. Find open coat and closed
coat abrasives, belts, discs, rolls, and much more on our Sandpaper America
Website, and see for yourself just how affordable sanding products can be! Call
1-800-860-SAND for information about our products, bulk shipping, online
orders, and more, any time.

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