The Most Common Types of Sandpaper

Sandpaper is a widely used and highly beneficial tool in the
construction, remodeling, and woodworking industries. It comes is a variety of
types, colors, sizes, grades, and more. Sandpaper is a tool that anyone at any
level can use, but proper technique is vital for achieving the desired effect.
In this blog, we will briefly review the most common types of abrasives, the
variety of grades available, and the proper technique for sanding. 

reading to learn a little about these topics and more!

Sanding Abrasives

There are several types of sandpaper available for purchase within
the abrasives market. They are all designed for different sanding needs,
stages, and effects. Using the proper type of abrasive is the key component to
achieving the best quality finish for your sanding project. Projects that
require manual sanding are best implemented using an aluminum oxide sandpaper.
These projects usually involve sandpaper sheets and sanding blocks. Aluminum
oxide paper is also effective for metal and wood sanding projects.

For projects that involve using motorized equipment, like a
sanding belt, ceramic sandpaper is the right choice. For joint compounds,
metals, and plastics that required smoothing, silicon carbide sandpaper is the
appropriate type of abrasive to use. It’s also best for projects that require
sanding between paint and finishes. However, silicon carbide is not appropriate
for wood sanding and should never be used on anything with wood material. Its
material is too harsh and sharp for sanding wood.

Grades of Sandpaper

Along with a large selection of sandpaper types, there are
many different grades as well. The type of grade depends on the type of sanding
project, material, and desired finish. And just like sandpaper types, it is
equally important to match the appropriate grade of sandpaper for your project.
The grade of sandpaper is measured by its “grit” or coarseness. The higher the
grit, the finer the grade. There are three basic grades of sandpaper, all of
which retain separate grit counts:

Course Grade – 40 to 60 Grit

Medium Grade – 80 to 120 Grit

Fine Grade – 150 to 180 Grit

Not only is it important to use the proper types and grades
of sanding paper for your project in queue, it is also vital to use the proper
techniques and methods. For example, always sand in the same direction to get
an even and smooth finish. This is an area where it is important to take your
time and not rush. Wood should always be sanded along its grain, using even
pressure on every stroke, and excessive sawdust should be wiped away as often
as possible.

Sandpaper America

Call Sandpaper America at 1-800-860-SAND (7263) to purchase the
best quality sanding products and abrasives at the most competitive prices online. We offer a wide
selection of sandpaper types, grades, machines, and accessories, all easily
purchased online! For the best deals on sanding products, call Sandpaper
America at 1-800-860-SAND for details about online ordering and shipping

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